POSTED: 28/02/2017 at 12:24pm  BY: Christina Lamboy Comments (0) Comment on Post

Important dates
Friday, March 3rd Optional noon dismissal
Thursday March 16th optional noon dismissal
Friday, March 17th St. Patrick's day no school

Dear families,
As we come to a close to the clothing study we will transition in to the recycling study by reading the story, "The Paperbag Princesses". Therefore we need your help gathering items to investigate. We need different objects and pictures related to trash. Here is a list of items. Also make sure these items are clean and safe.
Egg cartons
Plastic bottles
Soda bottles
Small glass jars( baby food jars)
Aluminum cans
Tin cans
plastic bubble sheets
Bottle caps
As we study trash and garbage you can also raise your child's awareness of the kinds of materials that can be recycled and how to keep our environment clean.

ASSIGNED TO: PreK Lead Teacher

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