POSTED: 07/05/2013 at 7:59am  BY: Mrs. Broetsky Comments (0) Comment on Post

Dear Kindergarten,

            We are heading into the final days of the school year, and I am amazed at how much we have already learned this year. We have counted to 100 by ones, fives, and tens. We have learned our alphabet from A-Z. We have written and illustrated our own sentences using sight words and words we can blend. I am especially proud that together we have read over 100 books! Our bookworm is so long and curvy. We have worked very hard this year, and we have accomplished so much!

            We have also enriched ourselves as Christians by learning about Jesus. In the Bible we have followed Jesus from His birth in Bethlehem, through His life in Jerusalem working miracles and spreading God’s love. We have read and discussed the days of Holy Week, Easter, and Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. We have attended Masses celebrated by Monsignor Larkin. We have learned about the many gifts God has given us. Wow, what a friend we have in Jesus!

             As we prepare to “step-up” to First Grade, we must put to use all that we have learned in Kindergarten. It is time to start thinking and using the tools we have attained to enhance our education. We must strive to answer questions about stories we have read, complete sentences sensibly, and use numbers to add, subtract, measure, and reason logically. You will be amazed what you can do!  

             So once again, congratulations! I am proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself too. Let us continue to work hard these last few weeks and see how much more we can learn!



                                                                                                            Mrs. Broetsky

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