POSTED: 10/11/2016 at 9:53am  BY: Geraldine Sheehan Comments (0) Comment on Post

good morning! hope all is well!

just a few reminders:

grade 6 has received the book we are reading as a class -The Jungle Book. Students were to read up to and including page 39 Wednesday night, writing a short summary for each chapter.

grade 7 should have ordered the book Down the Rabbit Hole two weeks ago and some students still do not have the required reading. please don't let your student fall behind.

grade 8 will start a new book on Monday. it's called The Gift of the Magi. I have purchased the books for the school.

as usual, there is a vocab test every Tuesday unless otherwise indicated, please be prepared for success.

there will be a ELA packet going home in 6th, 7th, & 8th for Thanksgiving. it is a grade and must be completed.

ASSIGNED TO: 8th Grade

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