POSTED: 03/01/2017 at 2:39pm  BY: Geraldine Sheehan Comments (0) Comment on Post

Happy New Year to all and may the new year bring the best life has to offer.

this week is short, however tuesday brings vocab tests for all grades (6-7-8) wednesday is review day for 6-7-8 on stories/poems read and thursday students will be tested on that material. friday all 6-7-8 graders will receive material that will be included on the midterm tests for ELA. Students will receive vocab words (must know meaning and spelling), concepts in reading (main idea, inferences, character traits, drawing conclusions) and grammar theories we have covered (parts of speech, diagramming sentences)

midterms are the week of the 17th, this gives everyone the chance to study, practice and ask questions.

ASSIGNED TO: 8th Grade

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