POSTED: 15/06/2014 at 6:33am  BY: P Baker Comments (4) Comment on Post

The regents is next week so keep of studying! Any questions? Ask here and they shall be answered. I will start with a little regents word association. Atatirk, Peter the great, Meiji, shah - wwesternization mali, Ghana, Aztec, inca - advanced but no weapons and immunity balkans - Wwi nnationalism Bosnia, northern ireland - ethnic conflict Aung san suu ki - movement for rights in mMyanmar alexander the great - hellenistic

rivera b. said...
What would I write for the French Revolution if they gave me conflict or turning points?
Teacher said...
French rev...

Causes - social inequality of the third estate led to conflict between the 3rd estate and the old regime. Also enlightenment ideas and objections to absolute monarchy, results include increased power to the middle class. Additionally. Chaos ensues as the reign of terror grips the nation. Eventually they turned to Napoleon who promised increased authority. Finally, revolution ideas inspired similar movements in Latin America with Simon bolivar.

Hope this helps!
rivera b. said...
Can't find my notes for geography in Japan. Can you outline that for me?
Teacher said...
Japan geo - isolated island withnlotsof mountains leads to animistic religion and terrace farming. Tons of storms. Lack of natural resources. Geo defended them from ,on goals with kamikaze winds but also led to their becoming imperialist as a result of needing natural reoisoices. Lack of contact with rest of world meant they fell behind and had to have Meiji.
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